
    Child Details:

    Your Details:

    Steps to Enrollment

    Have a look through all the available courses offered.

    Fill in the Online Enrollment Form on the left side of the screen. You must include your email.

    An Enrollment Pack which consist of Enrollment Form, General Information, Terms and Connditions will be emailed back to you.

    Kindly fill in the Enrollment Form and sign the Terms and Conditions sheet, and attach with a copy of your child’s MyKid and birth certificate.

    Please email us all the completed form and documents. We will be contact you after that.

    Alternatively, you can drop the form and documents by hand at our school.

    General Enrollment Information

    Year 2022 Intake

    Level 1 (Age 4 years old) : Children born in year 2018

    Level 2 (Age 5 years old) : Children born in year 2017

    Level 3 (Age 6 years old) : Children born in year 2016


    Year 2023 Intake

    Level 1 (Age 4 years old) : Children born in year 2019

    Level 2 (Age 5 years old) : Children born in year 2018

    Level 3 (Age 6 years old) : Children born in year 2017


    Parents must submit complete documentation during enrollment. This includes:

    • properly filled and signed enrollment form
    • Signed Terms & Conditions sheet
    • A copy of MyKid
    • A copy of birth certificate

    Successful enrollment will be determine on first come first served basis and subject to availability of the class.

    Not Decided Yet?

    Take a tour around our school

    You can drop by to view our school and its environment. Please arrange a date and a time with our school by whatsapp to 012-8831681.

    First Trial

    To  request for first trial, please contact us via 082-446609 or call us at 012-8831681.

    First trial class will be subjected to school Terms & Conditions and approval from school management.